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Rheumatoid Arthritis

Health Care Quality Improvement & Education in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Bringing Rheumatologists and Primary Care Providers Together to Improve Rheumatoid Arthritis Outcomes

New York University

Approved: December 2012

Grant Period: February 2013 – July 2014

RFP: CV Risk in Rheumatoid Arthritis


Health Care Quality Improvement & Education in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Bringing Rheumatologists and Primary Care Providers Together to Improve Rheumatoid Arthritis Outcomes

This educational collaborative will bring together rheumatologists and primary care providers (PCPs) from NYU and the New York, NY metro area with the goal of demonstrating successful interdisciplinary team building to better address appropriate diagnosis, timely referral and CVD risk assessment in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

This innovative marriage of quality-improvement (QI) strategies and continuing professional development will result in education that supports and improves the level of care provided to patients with RA. This initiative will involve thousands of patients and providers, and will generate tens of thousands of valuable data points toward a better understanding of population-level outcomes and the impact of CME and QI interventions on RA management. New York University – through the Hospital for Joint Diseases and a partnership with Intelligent Medical Decisions, Inc. (iMD) – is uniquely positioned to bring rheumatologists and PCPs together to guarantee participation, rigorous data collection/analysis, data-driven CME, successful QI implementation, and publication of results.