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Making a Difference & Measuring Improvement: Psoriasis in Primary Care

DBC Pri-Med, LLC

A recent survey from the National Psoriasis Foundation showed that 22% of patients with psoriasis are being seen by a primary care provider (PCP) instead of a dermatologist. Further, JAMA Dermatology reports that the average wait time(s) to see a dermatologist in the U.S. is 46 days (range of 10.6 days–146 days), creating systemic pressure on patient access and illustrating the need for improved skill within primary care for the diagnosis and management of patients with psoriatic disease.  

Pri-Med proposes a multi-faceted educational program to improve PCP ability to recognize the signs and symptoms of psoriatic disease, when to refer to specialty, and how to collaboratively advance patients along the correct treatment pathway.

Program Overview:
● A 3-part online curriculum, delivered to 3,000+ participants.  Interactive modules enable audience interaction; marketed to 275,000 PCPs.  
    o National Faculty discuss challenging cases, managementstrategies and supporting research in an interactive on line forum
    o Pri-Med’s Real World Evidence Research Center uses actual (Amazing Charts EHR) Provider data to measure educational impact in a controlled Study, with results projected across the 3000(+) participant universe.

Full ProposalInterim ReportsFinal Report
November 2015
Treatment Gaps in PsO and PsA