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Healthy Skin For Everyone: Improving Skin Cancer Access by Volunteer Dermatologists

Palm Beach County Society of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery

For the past decade, members of the Palm Beach County Society for Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery have volunteered in community-based clinics, providing free dermatologic care to underserved, uninsured and minority populations. Despite widespread outreach efforts, patient access to dermatologic care remains limited by socioeconomic and cultural barriers. Physician access to providing care can also be limited by these factors. We request $65,980 to develop a research-tested intervention that address these barriers that dermatologists can use across the United States to engage in effective volunteer initiatives in underserved, minority communities. In our program, community health workers will teach an interactive workshop aimed at increasing skin cancer awareness and promoting sun protective behaviors. A unique mobile health (mHealth) component will promote lifestyle changes and remind participants to seek care if they notice a suspicious spot. The program will be easily disseminated, cost-effective and culturally appropriate, making it a valuable initiative for AAD members interested in providing improved access to care in underserved populations.

November 2015
In Progress
Dermatologic Patient Access to Care