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Improve quality of life of children suffering hemophilia A with implementation the Haemophilia Early Arthropathy Detection with UltraSound (HEAD-US) protocol for routine joint assessment of haemophilia patients.

Public association «Ukrainian Academy of Pediatrics»
Goal of the project: to implement the HEAD-US protocol in routine clinical joint assessment in patient with Hemophilia A for detection early arthropathy in order to improve quality of life as well as monitoring of management children with Hemophilia in Ukraine.
Target population: the project targeted the healthcare professionals who manage children with Hemophilia (pediatricians, pediatric hematologists, surgeons, and orthopedics).
Methods and assessment: the implementation of project will be organized by the Association of HCPs “Ukrainian Academy of Pediatrics” based on Pediatrics and Neonatology Department of postgraduate faculty of Danylo Galyttzky’s Lviv National Medical University located at the Thrombosis and Hemostasis Centre of the West Ukrainian Specialized Children’s Medical Centre. Approximately 100 (HCPs) will be involved into implementation program across Ukrainian cities. 
The program will include lectures, practical classes, articles in medical press, and publications of information and educational materials (brochures, booklets, monuments, etc.) which will cover necessity of implementation, principals and user’s guidelines of HEAD-US protocol in a busy clinical practice.
December 2016
In Progress
Implementation of HEAD-US Protocol- Europe