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Smoking Cessation

Reducing Smoking Among People with Mental Illnesses

NAMI Minnesota

The overall goal of this project is to reduce the rate of tobacco use among individuals living with mental illnesses. This goal aligns with the aim of the grant to support projects that focus on improving the competence of healthcare professionals and the performance of healthcare systems so that all smokers can be helped to quit. 

Our primary objectives are to 1) Increase awareness and engagement among mental health providers on the importance of smoking cessation; 2) Increase awareness of the benefits and cessation tools among people living with mental illnesses and their families, 3) Institute smoking cessation supports such as facilitating weekly wellness and smoking cessation groups; and 4) track cessation attempts, reductions and cessation longer than three months. 

Full ProposalInterim ReportsFinal Report
March 2015
Smoking Cessation SCLC 2014