Responsibility & Transparency

Meeting Our Environmental Sustainability Goals

Our focus and passion for environmental sustainability means that for the third year running we have met our 2020 reduction goals for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, waste and water. Since 2012, when these goals were set, we have continued on ourGreen Journey and globally implemented over 1,500 sustainability projects, nearly 100 of which were completed in 2019, delivering positive environmental performance and more than $5 million in savings annually. While we are on track to exceed our GHG emissions and water goals in 2020 and continue to identify and implement emission- and resource-reduction projects, we anticipate that we will be unable to sustain achievement of our waste reduction goal due to site expansions and increased production. 

We appreciate the expectations of stakeholders, including the investor community, regarding our environmental impacts, transparency and ability to manage business risks associated with a changing climate. In 2019 we began incorporating the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework into our business risk management system and, in this year, we are expanding our voluntary reporting to include information aligned withTCFD recommendations.

We continue to encourage key suppliers to implement GHG, water and waste reduction goals. In 2020, we will look for opportunities to accelerate progress toward our Supply Chain Environmental Sustainability goals. We have also begun to develop our next generation of goals aligning with our strategic objectives; as a science-based company, we are committed to setting these goals based on good science. In parallel, we continue to work with the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative to explore opportunities for member companies to drive sustainability improvements in the pharmaceutical supply chain collectively.

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