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輝瑞的 OWNIT! 企業文化:與營運融為一體的企業文化

輝瑞瞭解,,公司的企業文化與業界聲譽同等重要。輝瑞的 OWNIT! Culture(OWNIT! 文化)強調「Ownership」的精神,讓每位同仁在追求正向業務成果的同時,也能發展個人職涯。

OWNIT! 鼓勵所有同仁主導自身的職涯發展,並對業務產生正面的影響。換句話說,我們擁抱各種創新和嶄新的想法,並深入仔細思考,而非直接從懷疑的角度予以否定。這也就代表,無論扮演何種角色,公司的每一份子都將全力追求卓越。輝瑞同仁能夠當責地快速、果斷、誠信的實現我們承諾交付的成果。
輝瑞的 OWNIT! Culture(OWNIT! 文化)意味著所有同仁都願意為了成果竭盡心力,積極參與...直至未來,都將持續堅持下去。



own... the business
Seize opportunities to think differently, take risks and be

win... in the marketplace
Advocate and drive long-term, aligned strategies that advance our mission and shape the industry

no jerks... let’s discuss behaviors
Confront corrosive, self-serving and mean-spirited behaviors; it’s everyone’s responsibility

impact... results
Deliver on commitments with speed, decisiveness, and integrity

trust... in one another
Invest in candid and constructive debate to ensure each other’s success; it’s time for straight talk