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Best Practices: Guidelines

Guidance and best practices to engage with our team (Channel Management) are listed below. 

From a timing perspective, please adhere to these recommendations:

  • Please allow 3-5 business days for a staging link once we receive the final approved manuscript from your team (we understand you may not have all of the video/image assets ready, we can use FPO in the interim)
  • Expect a few iterations of updates based on feedback you provide during the process
  • Please allow for 1-2 business days to get your content live once fully approved.
  • Final manuscript (word document, tracked changes and comments, clear outline of all headers, paragraphs, bullets, links, etc) that has been approved by your review process, such as RC.

    1. We are not staffed to go through a complete work-in-progress to approval cycle as part of your review process. All content must be fully approved. The staging environment is provided as your final QA prior to going live to the production environment.
    2. We do not accept any ‘click here’ links as they’re not UX friendly, use complete sentences such as “Learn more about Patient-Centered Outcomes Assessment.” for links.
    3. Two sample manuscripts are listed below. Clear guidance on URL, Title, Breadcrumbs, Modules and page hierarchy is required.
    1. Uncropped images with minimum resolutions of 2000x2000px. The higher the better – our team will crop/compress each image for optimal web performance.
    2. We have a limited relationship with Getty that allows us to procure images for use on (US corporate site only).
      • Only images from the CREATIVE catalogue are covered under this agreement (EDITORIAL and other collections, if selected, will need to be purchased by your team).
      • Images used on the staging environment are typically comps until you receive full approval from your review process. Our team will swap in the final images as part of our transition to the production environment
    3. In the event you want to pre-process images for us, here are the specifications using the save-to-web feature of Photoshop:  JPG format, 72 dpi, Progressive compression, sRGB format , TinyPNG compression (this can be done directly on if you do not have the plugin). This will ensure a web friendly version of your image. Note our most popular image sizes below.
    4. Popular sizes:
      • Homepage hero / desktop banner: 1440x710px or 1920x710px.
      • Homepage Tiles: 600x450px, 600x650px, 785x440px, depending on placement
      • Article Banner: 1920x710px for the hero. Thumbnails should be 785x440px
      • Featured slider tile: 620X400px . Smaller tiles and mobile/tablet sizes are 414x500px/1440x710
      • Image gallery: Full size 1140x675px , Thumbnail 100x60px
    5. Image Format:
      • JPG should be used for all digital images, with the exception of certain types of images listed below.
      • PNG should be used for transparencies, logos, illustrations and images that contain text. It is a lossless compression so it will render these types of images better at the expense of a larger file size.
    6. Videos must be in highest resolution available and available in 16:9 aspect ratio. Brightcove will create over a dozen renditions for various platforms. We require both a large and small thumbnail for videos.  View the video thumbnail requirements. If no thumbnail is provided then we will create one for you.
    7. Any other assets (i.e. PDF) must be in final and approved format


  • It is strongly recommended that infographics be in SVG format, complete with text layers, so they are SEO friendly. When budget/time does not allow for that, you may provide standard PNG files instead (JPGs are not recommended).

    1. Infographic styles must abide by Pfizer's illustration style guide (available upon request)
    2. Note that SVGs that simply have embedded PNG versions of the infographic will not be accepted. We have a complete list of best practices/FAQs available for exporting these properly from Adobe Illustrator that are available upon request.
  • If a PDF needs to be uploaded onto the site, please ensure there is at least one existing link in the document that links back to ‘…’. This is a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) best practice and a requirement for all new/updated PDFs being uploaded onto

  • Wireframes in PDF format, with comment tracking

    • Layered PSDs are not required, please do not invest the time/budget in creating these as all styling is standardized according to our style guide, templates and CSS. 
  • Feedback during UAT should be provided either in annotated PDF format with clear comments and directions, or WORD format with tracked changes.

    1. Tracked changes should be approved prior to sending to us, comments should reflect final guidance on change requested.
    2. Each round of UAT must include a clean new manuscript (for example Version 2) that reflects the new changes to be made.
  • capabilities page (provides overview of most commonly used components to build a page, we can provide guidance on layout based on your needs/audience):

  • is our corporate site. As such, the website is not considered promotional in nature and the content, in general, does not fall under the requirements of Global REG08. While there should be a formalized review of the content on the corporate site, the US RC teams do not routinely review material intended for
  • Do not include spaces, underscores or other punctuation in the filename of your documents and images. From an SEO perspective, dashes (-) are preferred over everything else.
  • Filenames of all documents ,images and videos must include a descriptive name so end-users know what to expect (example of a bad filename: 18PFZ_WNTD_Infographic_GLOBAL_This-01_.jpg)
  • All PDF and infographic files must include a date in the filename as follows: <name of PDF file>-<DDMMMYYYY>.<file ext>, example: UC-Narrative-Global-Survey-Fact-Sheet-20MAY2018.PDF. This ensures proper version control.
  • If older versions of assets/PDFs need to be removed from the site, please list these out via complete URL so we can delete them from the database. Otherwise they can still be surfaced from a search engine since they’re indexed on our end.
  • Teams is the standard document sharing tool, please manage all assets via this platform and provide access to our team accordingly ([email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]). If a different file sharing platform is being used then please provide access to the same group of folks listed here.