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Approved Full Proposal Final Report Overview

Upon completion of a project funded through a Request for Proposal (RFP), grant recipients will be asked to complete a "Full Proposal Final Report". This is a copy of the final report questions that will be asked.

Approved Full Proposal Interim Report Overview


Throughout the lifecycle of a project funded through a Request for Proposal (RFP), grant recipients will be asked to complete a "Full Proposal Interim Report". This is a copy of the interim report questions that will be asked.

Request for Scope Change

If a request for a timeline extension/scope change is received by Pfizer, a report will be assigned to the Grant Requestor in the Grant Management System. This is a copy of the questions that will be asked. 

Project Classification Decision Matrix

There are multiple project types that are eligible for funding through an IGLC RFP. When submitting for funding, organizations will be asked to indicate which of the following best represents their project.

  • Dissemination and Implementation (D&I) Research
  • Quality Improvement  Education
  • Educational research

This file provides more information on these classifications.

RFP - Terms & Conditions

Every Request for Proposal (RFP) released by Pfizer Independent Grants for Learning & Change (IGLC), as well as a RFP released jointly with a Partner(s), is governed by specific terms and conditions. This is a copy of the terms and conditions.

CGA - Terms & Conditions

Every Call for Grant Application (CGA) released by Pfizer Independent Grants for Learning & Change (IGLC) isgoverned by specific terms and conditions. This is a copy of the terms and conditions.