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Vaccine-Based Immunotherapy Regimen-2 (VBIR-2) Treatment in Patients with Advanced Lung and Breast Cancer

Vaccine-Based Immunotherapy Regimen-2 (VBIR-2) Treatment in Patients with Advanced Lung and Breast Cancer. A Phase 1 Study to Evaluate the Safety, Pharmacokinetics, and Pharmacodynamics of Escalating Doses and Treatment Intensification of a Vaccine-Based Immunotherapy Regimen-2 (VBIR-2) (PF-06936308) for Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer and Metastatic Triple-Negative Breast Cancer.

Category & Conditions: Cancer
Medicine: PF-06936308 Identifier (NCT): NCT03674827
Protocol ID: C3621001
Open Plain Language Summary Result: Click here