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In 2008, Pfizer began reporting grants and charitable contributions provided to medical, scientific and patient organizations in the US. This reflects our commitment to increasing transparency around the support Pfizer provides to organizations that work to improve the health of patients and advance science. This support is one way we contribute to the improvement of patients' lives and the advancement of scientific research, in conjunction with our core business of developing innovative medicines. In 2009, Pfizer began disclosing healthcare related support to civic organizations. In 2010, Pfizer's report included legacy Wyeth programs. In 2011, Pfizer began disclosing healthcare related collaborations and coalitions. In 2016, Pfizer began disclosing healthcare-related non-promotional sponsorships provided to organizations.

Prior to 2008, we highlighted a limited number of grants or charitable contributions in company press releases. As interest in more information across the health care spectrum has grown, public reporting became a natural next step.

To that end, Pfizer's support of these organizations and activities is reported on This reporting is a condition of accepting such grants and charitable contributions. Details disclosed include the recipient organization's name, a brief description of the program for which the grant or charitable contribution was given, and the amount of the funding. Pfizer may update the quarterly reports if additional relevant information becomes available.